Please note that so far, all the teaching has been as a
teaching assistant.
Master Course, SDC, Neuroscience & Neuroimaging, 2020
The Pattern Recognition and Predictive Modelling in Neuroscience course at the Sino-Danish Center (SDC) in Beijing is an introductory Machine Learning course for neuro-students. It covers concepts like regression, classification, clustering and dimensionality reduction.
Master Course, AU, Dept. of Computer Science, 2020
The Data Mining Course at Aarhus University was a brand new course, which covered topics like (subspace) clustering, outlier detection, spectral graph theory, graph mining and pattern mining.
Bachelor Course, AU, Dept. of Computer Science, 2018
The Machine Learning course at Aarhus University covering basic learning theory, supervised, and unsupervised learning methods. For more info see here.
Bachelor Course, AU, Dept. of Computer Science, 2017
Awarded TA of the year at Computer Science (AU) for teaching this course.
Bachelor Course, AU, Dept. of Computer Science, 2016
The Software Architecture course covers topics like design patterns, test-driven development, and test-driven development.
Bachelor Course, AU, Dept. of Computer Science, 2016
The Pervasive Computing (Operating Systems) course covers topics within pervasive and mobile computing along with topics like threading, scheduling, and resource management.
Bachelor Course, AU, Dept. of Computer Science, 2016
The Databases course covers basic SQL, relational algebra, relational calculus, normal forms and concurrency control.