What if Neural Networks had SVDs?

Published in NeurIPS 2020 (Spotlight), 2020

Various Neural Networks employ time-consuming matrix operations like matrix inversion. Many such matrix operations are faster to compute given the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Techniques from recent work allow using the SVD in Neural Networks without computing it. In theory, the techniques can speed up matrix operations, however, in practice, they are not fast enough.
We present an algorithm that is fast enough to speed up several matrix operations. The algorithm increases the degree of parallelism of an underlying matrix multiplication $H\cdot X$ where $H$ is an orthogonal matrix represented by a product of Householder matrices.


    title={\{W}hat if {N}eural {N}etworks had {SVD}s?},
    author={Mathiasen, Alexander and Hvilsh{\o}j, Frederik and J{\o}rgensen, Jakob R{\o}dsgaard 
    and Nasery, Anshul and Mottin, Davide},

Read full paper here.